The Future of making Port Management Easy, Intuitive and Effortless (And Why You Should Pay Attention)
Inland Container Deport - Dhannad - Central India
ICD Dhannad is the first private port of Central India. It is a budding port and has got rave response from the beginning. It is the first road based ICD of the territory. It provides the fastest roads linkage between Indore and Mumbai: in just 36 hours. This is achieved through a network of dedicated fleet of new brand vehicles with in-built GPS system and 24 hours availability.
Today, ICD Dhannad stand stronger than ever with a team of more than 200 employees, who are dedicated and committed to the betterment of our clients, our company and the community. ICD Dhannad have a dedicated fleet of 105 trailers along with several equipments. ICD Dhannad have grown into thousands of acres with facilities such as warehouses, cool-chain facility, repair and maintenance units, etc. The latest addition to their services includes renting out warehouse space, containers, equipments and services. They have embraced technology in a way that makes working easier and faster.
ICD Dhannad is currently handling the business for giants such as PNG, Grasim Industries, Volvo, and so on. Expanded to railways, ICD has no plan on stopping there. ICD Dhannad has its operations in Indore, Ratlam, Mumbai, Mandideep, Hazira and Nagpur, and have bigger goals to achieve.

- Ajay Agrawal
(Founder and Managing Director)
Merciglobal Cloud ERP - Implementation
Despite working for several years with different softwares to manage the operations, including a custom built ERP, Excel, Word, Tally and even manual registers etc., the management was finding it a messy work to manage the entire operations.
Merciglobal Cloud ERP was then deployed since 2016, as a single centralised system for managing all the activities, remove duplication of tasks and streamline the inter-departmental activities, in different planned phases.
Ultimately, ICD was able to remove all the various softwares, manual works, accounting s/w, etc and get all the tasks and operations streamlined under Merciglobal Cloud ERP itself.
Today, Merciglobal Cloud ERP manages entire operations of the port, spanning entire Imports, Exports, Transportation, Customer Support, Invoicing, Taxation and accounting. Thereafter the HRMS has been deployed as add-on module lately, enhancing the efficiency and reducing the manpower costs considerably.
Key Challenges
Non-integrated Processes
Delays in Operations
Different Softwares for each purpose
Lack of Visibility
Manual Reporting
Issues in Customer Support
Bugs in Manual Invoicing
Huge IT Infrastructure Costs
Merciglobal Cloud ERP - Resolutions
Cloud Based Infrastructure
Major of the infrastructure related challenges were eliminated by cloud based implementation.
Removed UTM (Firewall) (Not required anymore)
Removed Primary Server (Not required anymore)
Removed DR Server (Not required anymore)
Thin Clients replaced traditional desktop computers.
Ubuntu was replaced over MS Windows.
WPS Office was replaced against MS Office.
Microsoft licensing for Users, Windows, Office was no more required.
Anti-virus was no more required.
Manual Backup on NAS was no more required. Merciglobal provided automated backup on cloud each night, on secured linux servers.
Financial Management
Integrated Accounting, Cost Control, Taxation and compliance modules led to automate the Invoicing and other aspects in the operations
Merciglobal Cloud ERP's inbuilt modules and process for Invoicing module, capturing data from all related processes and sub-processes helped immensely in saving time, removing errors and mistakes and fast consolidation of data at time of invoicing.
Integrated accounting in Merciglobal Cloud ERP helped in automating the financial accounting, arising out of expenses entries, invoices, receipts etc., etc., automating the accounting postings to Ledgers, GST, TDS & TCS registers.
Automated preparation of Outstandings, Final Accounts and other audited documents, audit control locks, rules helped in reducing the compliance burdens, bugs and mistakes.
Taxation and legal compliance, Digital Signing of documents has removed a huge bunch of man power that was deployed in the manual accounting process and control.
Entire Import and Export cycles of the containers was automated with all steps of operations, for the ICD as well as for the Customs department personell.
Data arising from IGM to delivery, Warehousing, Transportation, Logistics, everything was automated during several phases of implementation of the ERP.
Lowered Costs & high ROI
Merciglobal Cloud ERP has helped on multiple fronts towards reducing the costs of operations.
Merciglobal Cloud ERP is hosted on secured Linux Os at server side, eleminating virus and hacking threats.
Licensing costs of Windows OS licenses, MS Office is removed.
Licensing costs of Anti-Virus tools and management costs are removed.
Thin Client machines have further reduced the AMC costs and maintenance as well as electricity costs.
No Servers are required to be managed at client end.
UTM / firewalls are no more required to be managed at client end.
Heavy IT infrastructure was removed forever.
Streamlined operations have reduced the man power from 62, drastically to 18 only, over a period of time.
Process Integration
Merciglobal Cloud ERP's integrated modules removed duplicacy of work on one hand, achieving accuracy and reduced man hours on the other.
Work was integrated within Merciglobal Cloud ERP's custom designed modules.
Different software at each department were removed as were no longer required.
Work done in Excel/word was no more required as the same was converted into working modules in Merciglobal Cloud ERP.
Overlapping and redundancy of data managed in separate files was removed as everything was consolidated in the ERP, under one roof.
Systematic design of each module was provided in the ERP so as to remove redundancy of data, entry mistakes, rules applied to remove any human error.
Automated work flow saved the working hours and labour inputted in managing the data at each stage.
Operations were streamlined with automation of the work flow.
Each department was set to work in sync with the other department, resolving data mistakes and any overlappings.
Alerts, Analytics & Automated Reporting
Manual task and analysis from different softwares was removed and inbuilt BI systems provide proper analytics, data and required reports, along with alerts.
Merciglobal Cloud ERP's integral features which span across event based alerts, approvals, analytics, targets etc. has helped in automating the entire process, validated automatically in the real time.
Rich set of reporting, specially analytics from different departments compared and analysed in the same report helps management a lot in taking business decisions.
Timely and automated report generation has helped reduce extra man power involved in this process and establishes accuracy across departments.
Sustained on-time operations has helped create a strong and unified eco-system for growth of the organisation.
Analytics from the system tdoay help the management in having a clear vision on the business generated and also gives an insight on the future course of directions.
RPA for streamlining process
At Merciglobal Cloud ERP, we have taken into consideration, implementation of RPA (Robotic process automation) at ICD Dhannad to extreme levels. In-depth analysis of processes, manual work, departmental work flow have been put into system analysis on table, designed to streamline rules, data design, validations were recognised.
Many repeated manual operations have been made operational via RPA.
Automated scheduled reports have been set to be triggered via RPA on set timelines.
Manual data validations and checking on several check-points have been replaced by RPA.
RPA has proven to be a boon for the operations at ICD Dhannad.

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